Без розыгрышей и сложных условий, просто напишите свой отзыв и гарантировано получите 100 UAH на ту же карту на следующий день.
1. Написать отзыв с указанием номера обмена (ID заявки)
2. Подтвердить отзыв через вашу почту
3. Отправить скрин отзыва и номер обмена (ID заявки) на почту: support@1654.exchange
Due to the restrictions imposed by the NBU on P2P transfers, payments in UAH are processed via bank transfer using IBAN. The transfer time may take up to 60 minutes, and in some cases, from 1 to 3 business days.
min.: 102.487894 XRP max.: 4099.515745 XRP
min.: 10000 UAH max.: 400000 UAH
Please enter a unique Telegram username, or phone number associated with this messenger
⚠️ Be sure to specify a valid e-mail, in case of problems – we will contact you, you will be sent information about the current application as well as username and password for authorization at the site if necessary.
For exchange you need to follow a few steps: