🌙 We are currently offline, your requests are welcome during office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00 UTC+2;
Exchange rate: 1.060445 USDT = 1 EUR

min.: 3181.335 USDT max.: 31813.35 USDT


min.: 3000 EUR max.: 30000 EUR


Enter the address of your actual residence at the moment

The BIC code identifies banks and financial institutions around the world. This code helps to recognize what kind of institution it is and where it is located. This is a kind of international bank code or identifier.

If the recipient is an individual, enter his address at the place of registration specified in the bank, if the recipient is a legal entity (company), enter the legal address of the company.

User data

Please enter a unique Telegram username, or phone number associated with this messenger

⚠️ Be sure to specify a valid e-mail, in case of problems – we will contact you, you will be sent information about the current application as well as username and password for authorization at the site if necessary.

Type your answer
Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to WISE EUR

♻️ There are a few steps you need to take to make the exchange:

  1. Fill in all fields of the form. Click the “Exchange” button.
  2. Read the terms of the exchange service agreement, if you accept them, check the appropriate box and click “Create Application”.
  3. Pay for the application.  To do this, you should make a transfer of the required amount, following the instructions on our website.
  4. After completing these actions, the systеm will take you to the “Status of the request” page, where the status of your transfer will be indicated. Please note that the request is considered paid after the required number of confirmations in the network of cryptocurrency that you exchange, it can be tracked on the sites of transaction verification of sent cryptocurrency, or wait for an email about change of status of the request – it comes automatically, as soon as we get funds credited.